Pastor: Christopher A. Rieber
Pastor: Derek Holmes
Worship Leader: Joel Rieber
Youth Leader: Jamal Rayan
Office Administrator: Brittany Rayan
Building Custodian: Keith Leatherman
“Appoint elders in every town as I directed you…
…For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach…a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. (Titus 1:5-9)
Because every church family is in need of leadership, we have identified a group of our men, known as Elders, that serve alongside our pastor as a leadership team. Elders are men of integrity which uphold the standard of “Elder” as instructed in Titus 1. These men act as a counsel, and seek to encourage and challenge the pastor and staff, as well as our congregation.
When a church related decision needs to be made, these men make a decision by reaching a consensus. They are careful to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and diligently seek the best interest of our members as they help to lead our church.
Although our Elders are not always “on staff” they are all core members of our fellowship, who have been affirmed by our pastor and the members of our church.
At Living Hope, strategy sessions, congregational meetings and other tools are regularly used to gather information and allow input from the members of Living Hope on major issues prior to an official action of the Elders.